Help lovable fluffball Donny Degu collect his beloved Crocks! Fun for all Degu lovers!
Simply tap the screen to make Donny Degu jump.
Beware, this game is highly addictive 🙂
Share your score with friends and family via the Game Center!

Best game ever I have 2 degus called Candy and floss and I love them so much, this game is so fun and adorable 💗💗 ~ LJSher
So much fun Love the flying poo’s and all the attention to details of the background too. Nice one. ~ Silkglade
Absolutely fantastic Well balanced, beautifully detailed, and the response is perfect. May take a bit for new people to get the hang of but it’s definitely playable once you figure out its all about reaction times 🙂 I also have flappy bird on my phone and all I can say is this game is now it’s official replacement. Well done! ~Technicx4152
AMAZINGÂ 😍Â Love love love this game! ~ Kiwikrush
Love it Brilliant game really enjoying playing it 🙂 ~ Mizzarrjayy
Very addictive! Very addictive game, Ricky to start with but you can’t put it down! ~ Calli and Io
Love it! Cute game ~ Emse
Gooooooos Really addictive 😊 ~ Ravenwolf90
SO GOOD! Really entertaining. Not too hard or too easy. Great gameplay idea. Love the background as well! ~ Houdini & Hazey
Brilliant!! Great game, super addictive, looks really good 🙂 my only complaint is that the rate button is too close to the play button on the game over screen. Keep accidentally pressing it with my fat thumbs >.< ~ Skid_Vicious1
Note: The controls have now been better spaced, thanks for the feedback Skid_Vicious1!