Help Donny in his dash to collect his beloved crocks, flowers and teddy bear! Fun for all degu and small animal lovers. Simply tap the screen to make Donny jump.
Challenge friends and family via the Game Center.

Help lovable fluffball Donny Degu collect his beloved Crocks! Fun for all Degu lovers!
Simply tap the screen to make Donny Degu jump.
Beware, this game is highly addictive 🙂
Share your score with friends and family via the Game Center!
Best game ever I have 2 degus called Candy and floss and I love them so much, this game is so fun and adorable 💗💗 ~ LJSher
So much fun Love the flying poo’s and all the attention to details of the background too. Nice one. ~ Silkglade
Absolutely fantastic Well balanced, beautifully detailed, and the response is perfect. May take a bit for new people to get the hang of but it’s definitely playable once you figure out its all about reaction times 🙂 I also have flappy bird on my phone and all I can say is this game is now it’s official replacement. Well done! ~Technicx4152
AMAZINGÂ 😍Â Love love love this game! ~ Kiwikrush
Love it Brilliant game really enjoying playing it 🙂 ~ Mizzarrjayy
Very addictive! Very addictive game, Ricky to start with but you can’t put it down! ~ Calli and Io
Love it! Cute game ~ Emse
Gooooooos Really addictive 😊 ~ Ravenwolf90
SO GOOD! Really entertaining. Not too hard or too easy. Great gameplay idea. Love the background as well! ~ Houdini & Hazey
Brilliant!! Great game, super addictive, looks really good 🙂 my only complaint is that the rate button is too close to the play button on the game over screen. Keep accidentally pressing it with my fat thumbs >.< ~ Skid_Vicious1
Note: The controls have now been better spaced, thanks for the feedback Skid_Vicious1!